5th Grade Promotion Information

Monday, June 7, 2021

Dear Parents/ Guardians, 

We cannot believe it is the end of the year! It’s a time for students, teachers, friends, and families to celebrate all of our students, and the hard work and determination they have displayed during their elementary years by honoring them at the 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony.  Monday, June 14th is our 5th Grade Promotion from 1:00-2:20 on the Playground off of Houston Street. IF the forecast calls for rain that day, we will start notifying students and families via Schoology &  iBlog by 9am that morning. PLEASE CHECK FOR STATUS UPDATES FROM YOUR CHILD’S TEACHER BEFORE CALLING THE SCHOOL.   

We are fortunate that we have the opportunity to celebrate the promotion of our students and know that many families are equally as excited.  Due to covid restrictions and the safety of all, EACH STUDENT IS LIMITED TO TWO GUESTS.  

This is a serious and solemn ceremony, so we encourage all students to dress their best. Some nice options for boys are dress slacks, with a button up collared shirt, with a tie or bow-tie. Due to possible high temps, khaki shorts and a polo would also be appropriate. For girls, summer dresses are nice, rompers, and/or skirts and tops. Please be mindful of the shoes the girls are wearing because the ceremony will require them to be in those shoes for a long period of time. The ceremony will be followed by light refreshments and time for celebration and pictures.

This is still a normal Group A school day. Group B students will need to arrive at Snow by 12:30.  Parents please be seated by 12:55.

We look forward to celebrating this beautiful occasion, 

Mr. DeSantis

Mrs. Majetic

Mrs. Smith

Ms. Hussein