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Category Archives: World History
MAIN Long Term causes / Short term causes of WWI
Neo- Colonialism/ Sudanese conflict/ genocide
Ch 27 Exam – Review
- I can describe Africa before European domination.
- I can summarize the motives of European colonizers and the factors that allowed them to control Africa.
- I can identify the three groups that clashed in South Africa.
- How did the British defeat the Zulus
- I can explain the different forms of colonial control.
- I can trace British rule in Nigeria.
- I can summarize African resistance movements.
- I can analyze the impact of colonial rule in Africa.
- I can describe the Crimean war.
- Definition and examples of geopolitics
- I can explain the British takeover of India.
- Effects of the Sepoy Mutiny
27.3 Guided notes – Homework – Due tomorrow 3/28
Legacy of Colonialism in Africa
Boer Wars / Connections – current issues/ Apartheid
Ch 27 Age of Imperialism – Objectives sheet – Exam is this Friday 3/29
Read and take notes and define vocab on section 2 ( Imperialism ) due 3/26 – Graded
Take notes on the following :
Ch 27.2 Imperialism
- I can explain the different forms of colonial control.
- I can trace British rule in Nigeria.
- I can summarize African resistance movements.
- I can analyze the impact of colonial rule in Africa.
Words to know/define:
Menelik II
sphere of influence
economic imperialism
Direct control
indirect control
modernization (page 789)
hereditary rulers
economic prestige