Author: Niki Cassidy

3/24/20-Photography Online

Just a couple of announcements:

I have graded all work turned in for Week 1. The pictures turned in were amazing. Check your email for individual feedback.

Some of us are having problems uploading seperate pictures to google classroom assignments. I have emailed some of the following instructions but I though I would post them here.

Why? Because I am here to help.

How to upload pictures from your phone to Google classroom

Step 1 take the pictures with your phone.

Step 2 sign into google classroom from your phone

Step 3 Go the the assignment

Step 4  click Add or Create

Step 5 select FILE and select the pictures from your gallery then click turn in. 


That’s it! easy peasy Let me know if this helped or not.

Dealing with stress and anxiety

We know the outbreak of COVID-19 can be stressful and cause fear and anxiety for people. These feelings during an infectious disease outbreak are normal and common. But there are things you can do to support yourself, friends and family members. By working together, you can cope with the stress which will make you and your loved ones stronger.

Stress during an infectious disease outbreak can include

  • Fear & worry about your own health and the health of your loved ones.
  • Changes in sleep or eating patterns.
  • Difficulty sleep or concentrating.
  • Changes in mood and coping skills.

Things you can do to support yourself

  • Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories, including social media.  Repeatedly hearing about the pandemic can be upsetting.
  • Take care of your body.  Take deep breaths, stretch and/or meditate. Try to eat healthy, and maintain a daily routine.

Other suggestions include:

  • Practice relaxation techniques
  • Reach out to the DHS school social workers by email to set up a time to  talk (Lisa Cunningham, Lauren Rouff, Stacy Rumler) or call the Dearborn Schools Social Emotional Support line at, 313-827-8500.  In crisis/distress you can also call or text at: 1-800-273-8255/Text ‘Talk’ to 741741
  • Journal, listen to music, make art, and/or read. Do something positive that you enjoy or have not had time for.
  • Take a walk or  run while maintaining safe distances from others.
  • If you have come across a great resource please share it with someone who may be having trouble.

3/23/20 Online Photography

This weeks first assignment is posted on Google classroom. I hope it gives you the opportunity to engage in a little creativity this week by shooting images that use leading lines to create interest.

Whether in you home or outside try to have fun with this assignment. The best you can do is more than enough.

3/19-Photography Online

Week 1 Assignment 2 is up on google classroom and I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Some that have turned their shooting assignment in early are pretty good. Like so good I may have to post a gallery on this blog to show off. Seriously.

For Assignment 1, you should have received feedback in your email, If there are any questions just send me a text, email or message on Google Classroom.


Assignment 2 is posted on Google Classroom. This is a shooting assignment where you are required to take pictures using your phone. You can either upload them directly from your phone if you have the google classroom app OR upload them to google drive then turn them into the classroom.

3/17/20-Photography Online

Thank you to all who completed the online survey. To those who have not please do so. I will be using this survey to plan photo activities in the coming weeks based on our collective access to technology at home.

Our first assignment: Creating Focal Points, Rule of Thirds and the Golden ratio, located in Google Classroom, is due tomorrow. If you already turned it in: Way to Go!! be sure to check google classroom tomorrow for your first at home shooting assignment using the information from assignment 1.

I know what you may be thinking: ” So we are really going to learn photography at home!?”

My answer: “Yup. this is happening. So Have Fun!”

3/16/20-Photography Online

As you know all of your teachers will be engaging in online instruction for the next few weeks. For photography you will have at least 2 graded assignments per week. Lucky for us we have been using an online classroom for the entire semester! So we got this.

I will post all assignments on google classroom. Remind and iblog will be used for reminders and extra resources in case you want to learn more.

CLICK HERE to fill out the technology survey for photography if you haven’t already.

After that go to GOOGLE CLASSROOM and check out your first assignment for this week. 

Feel free to email me or text via remind if you have any problems or questions. I will be online daily until 3:15 if you need help with my class or any tech issues for any of your classes. 


Mrs. Cassidy

During the School Closure

During the school closure, students enrolled in my photography class will receive and complete assignments posted in our established google classroom site.

I will be sending our classroom code via email for any students who did not sign-up (although all of you should have done so already).

Luckily we have been using google classroom all year and this should not be a problem.

How Linear perspective works (Khan Academy)

This link will take you to an interactive that allows you to manipulate an image in one pt perspective.

Image result for 1 pt perspective worksheets

1 Pt and 2 pt Perspective Drawing

Independent Practice: 

Use any of these videos to help you practice with one pt perspective. Complete them in your sketchbook for grading. 

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